July 22, 23, 24 2024

Monday, July 22 to Wednesday, July 24
(rain date, Thursday, July 25)
11 am to 8 pm daily
Wyatt Heritage Properties, 205 Prince Street
(corner of Granville and Prince Streets)
Summerside, Prince Edward Island, twenty minutes west of the Confederation Bridge
Gateway to the North Cape Coastal Drive.
Admission by donation, suggested donation $5.00
The Summerside Arts Festival is a celebration of the City’s arts community. Summerside and area artists, artisans, and musicians take centre stage to showcase and share their creative skills with those wanting to enjoy and learn more about the arts in a relaxed informal setting.

The beautiful Wyatt Heritage Properties, with its Victorian homes and tree shaded lawns, located in the historic downtown district, hosts the arts festival that is welcoming to all. There is no doubt everyone will find something to interest and intrigue them at the Summerside Arts Festival.
Summerside Arts Festival 2024
Drive-Thru Art Show
Prince Street, which runs through the grounds of the Wyatt Properties, becomes a Drive-Thru Art Show for the festival. Over twenty original works of art, created by local artists in different mediums, are selected, photographed, and enlarged to 4 x 6 feet reproductions. Mounted on easels, the works of art are displayed on both sides of the street. Participants are invited to slowly drive down the street viewing the show from the comfort of their own vehicle. People are welcome to drive through as many times as they wish.
Lefurgey Cultural Centre Exhibit: “Meet Elaine”
For the 2024 Summerside Arts Festival, the Lefurgey Gallery will host an exhibit by the Lady Slipper Rug Hooking Guild. A selection of paintings by the late Island artist, Elaine Harrison, have been reproduced as hooked rugs by the guild for the exhibit. Some of the artist’s original works will be on exhibit.
MacNaught History Centre Art Gallery Exhibit: “Rug Hooking Creations of Jessie Thompson”
For the 2024 Summerside Arts Festival, the MacNaught Gallery will host the rug hooking creations of Island rug hooker, Jessie Thompson. A busy farmwife, mother, and community volunteer, Jessie was only able to embrace her longtime interest of rug hooking in 2009. She discovered she was a natural at the art. Animals and Island landscapes are what come to life in Jessie’s rug hooking.
Artist and Artisan Demonstrations
The lawn between the Wyatt House Museum and the Lefurgey Cultural Centre will house artist tents that offer shade to artists and artisans as they demonstrate their art. Over the course of the festival, approximately 150 demonstrations covering different mediums of art will be given by local artists and artisans. The demonstrators are eager to talk about their art medium, and what the arts mean to them, so ask all the questions you want. Many of the demonstrators will invite you to try your hand at the project they are working on, so don’t be scared to take them up on the offer.
Musicians in Performance
The sound of music resonates throughout the Summerside Arts Festival. Local musicians create a festival feel on the outdoor stage nestled between century old trees or from the veranda of the 1867 Lefurgey Cultural Centre. Expect to hear everything from a solo harp to a full band. A poet or two, and maybe a storyteller, might ask to share the performance space.
Arts for Youth
While every Festival demonstration will appeal to youth, some activities are planned just for younger folks. Things such as sandcastle building, puppet workshops, quilting, painting, maker space, street performer, interactive music performances and more.
Yoga and Art
Both art and yoga nurture the body, mind, and spirit through movement, creativity, and inspiration. Yoga instructor Greg Weeks will blend yoga and art in a way that will deepen for participants their connection to art and self. Come join and experience art yoga for yourself.
As the Summerside Arts Festival draws closer, the schedule of artists and offerings will be posted on the website and at culturesummerside.com as a PDF. The program will also be given to you when you arrive at the Festival.
Plan to make the Summerside Arts Festival a part of your 2024 summer. You will not be disappointed that you did.
There are many cultural offerings in the City of Summerside in which to partake:
The Wyatt House Museum
The Bishop Machine Shop Museum
The PEI Fox Museum
Summerside Interpretative Centre
Harbourfront Theatre
The College of Piping and
Scott MacAulay Performing Arts Centre,
The Eptek Art and Culture Centre
The Summerside Rotary Library
Credit Union Place
Silver Fox Entertainment Complex
Confederation Trail
Rotary Park