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Celebrating the creative reuse of materials


Summerside Arts Festival 2019

“Refresh” Arts Project


For the third year running the Refresh Art Project upped the ante of the Summerside Arts Festival. Refresh challenged  Island artists to create a sculptural work of approximately five feet by two feet  from recycled material scrounged, hoarded, bartered, gifted or found. The only new material that could be used in the work was the adhesive that held the sculpture together.


Six selected artists brought to downtown historic Water Street a diverse array of works that intrigued passersby’s and stimulated conversation on various social issues. As Summerside is a leader in the field of green technology the Refresh works were a natural on the city’s main street.





Projet d’Arts “Refresh”


Pour la troisième année, le projet d'art Refresh s'anime le festival d'art de Summerside. Refresh a lancé le défi aux artistes de l'Île à créer des oeuvres sculpturales d'environ cinq pieds par deux pieds faits avec des matériaux quémandés, accumulés, troqués, donnés ou trouvés. Le seul matériau nouveau qui pouvait être utilisé était l'adhésif pour le tenir ensemble.


Six artistes sélectionnés ont amené au rue Water du centre-ville historique de Summerside une collection diverse d'oeuvres intriguant qui ont stimulé des conversations sur plusieurs sujets de société. La rue principale de Summerside, un leader dans le domaine de technologie environnementale, était la place parfaite de mettre les oeuvres de Refresh.




Georgina Markov

Shop Bug


Ahmon Katz


An Atlantic Horse


Lucie B. Bellemare

55 Gallon Drums


Will Baker


'Abandoned Shelter'


Jared Perry

Mermaid on the Town


Glenda Mullholland

Video Gallery

Tools on Workbench
The Summerside Arts Festival, which through its various components celebrates and promotes the City’s and Island’s rich, vibrant artistic community, is an ongoing endeavour of Wyatt Heritage Properties Inc. The festival is made possible through funding from the Government of Canada’s Department of Canadian Heritage, the Province of Prince Edward Island and the City of Summerside.
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Supporting partner of the Summerside Arts Festival:


© 2018 Wyatt Heritage Properties Inc.

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